Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thoughts on Aromatherapy

"Aromatherapy" essential oils are designed to create physiological and therapeutic effects. Our best source for feeling these benefits are through the body massage oil candles, where the oils are absorbed into the skin through massage. The spa aromatherapy candles also contain pure essential oils where the scent is the primary "therapeutic" aspect.
Most scented candles are not considered aromatherapy candles. But for me, scents that make me feel good - relax or uplift me - are considered a type of "therapy". When I enter a room and immediately sense a smell I love, my lips curl inadvertently into a smile I can't deny. Something comes over me. Maybe it's just me, but that's what happens with me and fragrances. Simply stated - I love them!
I think - I'm not the only one - that find scents and fragrances bring joy, happiness, memories and dreams into our lives.
Soy wax has been touted for some time - and for a number of legitimate reasons - as being "better" than paraffin and other waxes. I agree, but realize that soy wax and essential oils aren't always as naturally pure as they can be. Many people swear by the "medicinal" effects they have received from using soy massage oils and lotions - in the form of warmed soy candle wax - in treating various skin conditions. This is not at all surprising. With the additional value of Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Jojoba Oil & Grapeseed Oil (ingredients in Je T'aime Fragrances' product), it makes sense that a beneficial effect would take place.
I wouldn't get hung-up on whether a candle or other soy wax product can be classified as "Aromatherapy". If it makes you feel good, it's therapeutic!
FYI, the Webster's Eleventh addition that I own, defines Aromatherapy as: massage of the body esp. of the face with a preparation of fragrant essential oils extracted from herbs, flowers, and fruits; broadly: the use of aroma to enhance a feeling of well-being. By this rather broad definition, I think I can safely say that certain aromas are therapeutic for me. Perhaps they are for you too.
Take time to smell the roses...and of course "our" candles. Best scents & wishes,
Janis Lyn
Post Note: Please read section about massage candles under the title page: Candle Sense - which discusses certain reactions one could encounter with the use of massage candles.

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