Friday, September 28, 2012

When trying to choose a fragrance for a candle, and/or a fragrance or perfume oil, it's always prudent to look at the ingredients. On that note, we've put together the following list of some essential oils and their purported benefits or affects. The content of these oils in our massage oil candles, scented pillar candles, jar candles, soy wax melts & all of our other products can be found on our fragrance descriptions page. For our purposes here - discussing fragrances - the descriptions of topical or other uses are given only for informational reasons, other than perhaps our massage oil candles.
While reading the information below and our fragrance descriptions in general, explanations/definitions of 'Perfumery Notes' is in order as follow:
*Top Notes are the fragrance components that you smell when a perfume is first applied. These components evaporate more quickly than the rest, which is the reason you'll smell them first - they're the first to reach your nose.
Middle (or Mid) Notes are what you smell as the top notes are fading. In a good scent blend, middle notes will be compatible with both the top notes and the base notes. Middle notes typically develop within 10 minutes and may last for several hours.
Base (or Bottom) Notes are what you smell when the middle notes have gone through their "dry down" phase (defined below). These components are the "anchor" of the whole blend, even though they may not be apparent when you first apply the perfume (or  light the scented candle). Many perfumers feel the base notes are the most important component of the entire blend, not only because they last the longest, but also because they affect all the other notes contained in the blend.
A successful fragrance blend will be compatible throughout all of these phases. This is called "fragrance accord", meaning all notes are in harmony as they fade and blend into one another.
Dry Down is the "lifetime" of a fragrance; the phases a fragrance goes through when worn.
*Taken with minor variations from: FORYOURNOSE.COM
The list below includes some purported "benefits"/and/or uses for a few essential oils. Some of the listed oils include fragrance descriptions, uses & have a Perfumery Note attached. Please see our Fragrance Descriptions page for more details.   
BERGAMOT                            Antiseptic, cooling, calming, relaxing, refreshing, purifying
CARDAMON                            Stimulant, aphrodisiac                                                                    
CINNAMON                             Stimulating,  antiseptic, refreshing, purifying, aphrodisiac
CEDARWOOD                         Fresh, woody, balsamic resembling aroma of cedar chests and closets. Uses:  
                                                acne, arthritis, bronchitis, coughs, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, insect repellant,
                                                stress. Perfumery Note: Base
CITRUS                                   Energizing, uplifting, fight off 'winter blues'
CLARY SAGE                          Antiseptic, calming, relaxing, regulating, warming, aphrodisiac
CLOVE BUD                            Antiseptic, mental stimulant, energizing
COFFEE                                  Strong, rich, aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Uses: Perfumery/fragrancing.
                                                 Perfumery Note: Base
EUCALYPTUS                         Antiseptic, stimulant, balancing, purifying, respiratory
FRANKINCENSE                     Antiseptic, skin rejuvenator, calming, relaxing, warming, meditative, well-being
GARDENIA                              Treating infections, jaundice, anxiety, insomnia, blood clotting, reducing swelling,
                                                menopausal imbalance, bladder infections, reducing tumors
GINGER                                  Aphrodisiac, energizing, uplifting. Warm, spicy, earthy, woody aroma. Uses:
                                                aching muscles, arthritis, nausea, poor circulation. Perfumery Note: Middle/Base
GRAPEFRUIT                          Energizing. Citrusy, tangy like grapefruit-but sweet. Uses: Cellulitis, toxic build-up,
                                                water retention. Perfumery Note: Top                                                                    
HOLLY                                    Fever reducing, diuretic 
HONEYSUCKLE                     Clears heat, wind & toxins from the blood & liver, treathing sore throats, fever, skin
                                               blemishes & rashes
JASMINE                                Aphrodisiac, euphoric , uplifting, skin rejuvenator, warming.
JUNIPER                                 Energizing, stimulating, regulating.
LAVENDER                             Most versatile of all oils, cell rejuvenator, anti-infectious, antiseptic,
                                                immunostimulant, calming, balancing, well-being, induces sleep, blends well.
LEMON                                   Stimulant, antiseptic, purifying, refreshing.
LEMONGRASS                       Fresh, lemony, earthy aroma. Uses: Acne, athlete's foot, excessive perspiration,
                                                flatulence, insect repellent, muscle aches, oily skin, scabies, stress. Perfumery
                                                Note: Top
LIME                                       Purifying, refreshing, stimulating
MUSK                                      Adrenaline gland stimulator, treatment of anxiety, depression, nervousness, stress
                                                 related conditions
MYRHH                                   Meditative, fortifying, stimulant
NUTMEG                                 Rich, spicy, sweet, woody. Uses: arthritis, constipation, fatigue, muscle aches,
                                                nausea, neralgia, poor circulation, rheumatism, slow digestion. Perfumery Note:
OAKMOSS                              Rich, earthy, woody aroma. Uses: in perfumery, for its properties as a fragrance
                                                fixative. Perfumery Note: Base
ORANGE                                Refreshing, purifying, calming, well-being
PATCHOULI                            Aprhodisiac, warm, uplifing, relaxing
PEPPERMINT                         Stimulating, purifying, regulating, intellectual stimulant, clear thinking
PINE                                        Purifying, refreshing, energizing, disinfectant, stimulating
ROSE                                      Purifying, calming, aphrodisiac, regulating, skin rejuvenator for normal/dry skin
ROSEWOOD                           Sweet, fruity, woody, floral aroma. Uses: acne, colds, dryskin, dull skin, fever, flu,
                                                frigidity, headache, oily skin, scars, sensitive skin, stress, stretch marks.
                                                Perfumery Note: Middle 
SANDALWOOD                       Uplifting, euphoric, aphrodisiac, meditative
SPRUCE                                  Purifying, refreshing, energizing, disinfectant, stimulating
TANGERINE                             Fresh, sweet, citrusy aroma. Perfumery Note: Top
TEA TREE                               Antiseptic, well-being, calming, immunostimulant, anti-infectious
VANILLA                                  Anti oxidant, aphrodisiac, anti carcinogenic, anti depressant, sedative, relaxing
VIOLET LEAF                          Green, earthy, slightly floral aroma. Uses: bronchitis, headache, insomnia,
                                                rheumatism, sluggish circulation, sore throat, stress. Perfumery Note: Middle                                                 
WISTERIA                                Stimulating the senses, calming nerves, elevating moods
YLANG YLANG                       Fresh, floral, sweet, slightly fruity, fragrant aroma. Uses: Anxiety, depression,
                                                frigidity,  hypertension, palpitations, stress. Perfumery Note: Middle/Base

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